It's been 2 weeks of year 2011 and also of school. Yeah, there's a lot of homework actually, especially the oral assessment that we've got to prepared for. Feeling bit nervous about it and somehow feels like not very ready for it! Because I haven't write the script!! Oh God, no way.
The task that given by the teacher is a bit challenging actually, to assume yourself as the leaders of the world and decides what's best for your citizens and for the continual legacy of humankind. That's pretty hard, huh?!
Well, that's not the only thing that I wanna tell today. On the last Thursday, there was an Annual Meeting of societies and clubs for co-curriculum. So, I was chosen to be the Form 5 Committee for Petanque Club, the Secretary of BSMM and the Vice President of English Language Society. Gosh, that's a lot !! I know, and it's not me who asked for it. I was just got voted from most people, that's all XD
This is a good sign that the decision that I gave up the prefect post was totally right because I got a lot more that I've ever gotten before. Anyway, I should be thankful to Badan Pengawas, because after all this time, Badan Pengawas has helped to build my confidence and actually seems to got me recognized by people and teachers. Well, yeah, it's true. It has been kinda the kick-start of my life. So, thanks and please continue your legacy to students of SMK Meru in the future.
And another story, I am also been chosen as the Chief Editor of the Editorial Board of SMK Meru's official magazine 'Teras'. Insya-Allah, I'll the do best I can to publish one of the best magazine that the school has ever done!!!
That's all for tonight, bye.
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